This Theory Perfectly Explains Why ‘The Hobbit’ Movies Were So Bad
They're not the perfect movies, but it's a perfect adventure. The criticism has been that the movies were overly exaggerated, there was too much CGI and it didn't need to be stretched into a trilogy. Now, a fan theory suggests the films were actually meant to be a little ridiculous and needlessly drawn out. Redditor Questionbdp posed the idea as "Internal justification" for why the movies were a "Disappointment," and it actually makes sense. What Bilbo actually experienced during his adventure with the Dwarves was probably far less significant and monumental than the movies make it out to be, because the movies show how Bilbo retells his adventures, not how he actually lived them. The theory goes on to say Bilbo probably felt bummed after he returned from his adventure to find all the other Hobbits didn't care and were selling off all his stuff. Speaking of Jackson, even he says "The Hobbit" movies were meant to be a different tone than "Lord of the Rings," but could this be the reason why?
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